Globalization is not uprooting local culture neither is it burying intead,globalization is modifying local culture to make it more adaptive and preserved for the upcoming generation.
Received with thanks sir. Granted, globalization has not totally wiped out the local but from observation, it can be inferred that the role globalization played ten years ago is not the same as now. Who knows, in some ten years to come, the global village would be so powerful that it could result into a 'local erosion'. BACS19371
In my opinion globalization has rather depleted our core values and culture, we tend to prefer and refer to western goods and culture which is crippling society. As a nation we need to reassess what we want and restructure to accommodate our values. Countries that made strives did not follow the so-called status quo. BACS191042
Thanks allot for the indebt knowledge you are set to imbibe in us through this topic.The understanding of the globalization and development brings to bear the integration and development innitiated, and also it dynamic reforms which is taken place accross world-wide.
BACS 19522 Indeed, as Jameson (2000) says, "locality is not lost in the tide of globalisation". Until after this lecture, myself and many other people believed (some may still do) that globalisation along with industrialisation has come to entirely eliminate our local culture and in the end replace it with Western culture. However the truth we need to realise and accept is that, globalisation which in fact has come to stay with us is rather transforming our localities such that our local culture be it our sense of fashion, food, even technology, are modified to suit our locality as well as match international standards. In the end globalisation benefits everyone.
Enter your comment...Indeed globalization has not entirely eradicated the local culture but only internationalized that. However, this inevitable phenomenon negates one of the tenets that make it ideological(Globalization benefits everyone). The inordinate taste for foreign goods, especially the cultural-bound goods like food and dresses have over the decades weaken the economic value of the local culture-bound products and strengthening the economy of the former. The dominant reason is simply the relative cheaper cost of the foreign ones which simply will attract consumers who are rational purchasers.
So then the questions we must be asking include; how can the African economy get boosted by harnessing its culture-bound goods and what are the impediments to achieving this goal? The solutions i always propose are to decrease the cost of raw materials in order to reduce the cost of production and the price of goods so they can be competitive on the market. Example in the growing of crops, vegetables and the making of shoes and dresses.
There should also be the institution and implementation of agro-industrialization reform strategies to add value to primary products produced in order to attract more revenue for the economy at the world market.
If globalization is the reason why Ghanaians are now more inclined towards those western lifestyles, then why is china still in her elements of culture. The Chinese are using their culture to develop whilst Ghanaians want to develop using other people's culture and that is highly impossible. It's high time we start believing that the changes that happen in our culture are planned. America is using that planned process to develop likewise Russia and the rest of the super powers. let's start planning our process to development and stop waiting for other countries to use their structure to help us develop.
I'd like to comment on Global Normative Culture. The politics globalization brings affects the Norms, Believes and cultures accepted by the world. This is because diverse politics arise at the transnational level when globalization declines the nation state. Aside human rights which is globally accepted because of the humane aspects which can be generalised, believes and cultures which are globally accepted can be said to be cultural imperialism. I have not seen a Ghanaian culture or tradition become Globally accepted before. So whose culture permeate s polycentric networks and geopolitics. The rich countries always win.
Globalization is quickly controlling the cultural practices of the Ghanaian people. Those who are slow are left behind and from indications, everyone seems to be in hurry not to be left behind. Culture of the developed economy has taken over the local culture. Many Ghanaians prefer the cultural practices of the developed countries rather than their own BACS19980
Undoubtedly, globalization has imparted greatly on some of our local practices but that not withstanding, there are still aspects of our local cultural practices which are still very relevant today. Traditional festivals as well as some rites of passage are still being practiced to the core in modern times. BACS191038
Africa in which Ghana is part cannot neglect the issue of globalization but one thing is certain for the development of the African continent. Culture and traditions of a people distinguish them from others. For Africans to be developed, cultures and traditions can play a major role. Due to globalization, our respect for the norms and values of the African are gradually fading away. BACS19011
The issues of globalization in my point of view threatens the fate of the local. In the name of free movement and trade for instance, African nations have become dumping sites for bedtime goods. In the name of foreign preference, even toothpick is imported into Ghana. The web of globalization and the pressure it mounts on local structures have made our farmers get lesser for what they produce because they do not meet a so called standard. Yes we may have had benefit as the concept of “globalization is for everyone “ suggests, but also the fate of the local is gloomy going by this same phenomenon.
From what I have read, Globalization has come to benefit all but my issue is that, Africa for that matter Ghana's benefits has been very insignificant. Due to Globalization we get help from other countries who call themselves super power countries. They sometimes term these help as donations, but these same donor countries attach clauses to these donations they give us so that at the end of the day, they Lord over us. Instead of working with what we have as a country to provide for ourselves, our leaders still continue going to them because they know these donor countries are always there to help, how and when will our woes end? BACS 191125
cultural globalization which involves cross-border movement of cultures and openness of media, may also have increased a population's perception of the supposed benefits of foreign lifestyles of foreign diets. Two decades ago in Ghana, breakfast were local food that are served in our homes but globalization has influenced foreign food as breakfast in most homes which may lead to greater calorie consumption through intake of fast food rich in fats and sugars
Globalization and geopolitics, and its cooked tenets or indicators of democracy, human rights and what have you, franchised in the arbiter corridors of Washington, Paris, London and the likes, is a great worry to me.
The chess game continuous to make no-say nations like Ghana puppets in the hands of the arbiters of geopolitical power. We become their pawns when they wish to spread their tentacles and expendables when we stand up to their authority.
Truly, is this what we are caressing and hailing as the best practice? One without a standard measuring rod? The law of the jungle still exist, there is really no truly democracy and equality as is often proclaimed. If Venezuela, Lybia, and Iraq’s sovereignty could be attacked in the name of globalization and its brain-child, democracy, then we are doomed.
But of course, who cares. ‘Dem belly full, and we hungry’. The scare is glaring.
It is instructive to note that almost all the nations that have developed and are still developing in the the real sense post the so called democratic era being led by the United States and its proponent cohorts of the capitallist ideology, have done so without practicing full democracy.
Mention can be made of Singapore, Korea, Japan which prior to the emergence of China was the second leading economy globally after the US, Lybia, Equatorial Guinea, 1957-1966 Ghana, and recently, the beautiful rise of Rwanda, Africa's wonder story.
Even the UK which claims to be a proponent of democracy, does not practice full democracy in the true sense of the word. If it did, it would not have the Queen, a monarch, superintend over its affairs as the Head of State, with a Parliamentary system led by the prime minister. It is a quasi-democracy, with a certain semblance of dictatorship.
Is it fair therefore, to deduce that, perhaps, democracy is not good for Africa?
I have always believed that the best form of governance for us is one which evolves out of our indigenous systems and traditional practices. It is obvious that what has been pushed down our throat as part of the globalization agenda, and of which we have ignorantly consumed hook lime and sinker, is not working and is alien to us. Thus, we can never develop by practising and using that which is alien to us, at least China has shown that this will not work.
If how the Dagbon Chieftaincy crisis was amicably solved is anything to go by, then it is an indicator that it is about time we begun to have a critical conversation about this cancerous animal called democracy. If all the political and international diplomatic strategies could not bring lasting peace to Dagbon except a return to our indigenous traditional system and practices, then we are definitely going anywhere if we continue to stick to this system of democracy franchised by foreigners for us.
We will become 'terrorists' any way, but hey, if China and likes of Russia and Rwanda are still existing, we can survive too, if we take our destiny into our hands as a nation.
Until then, we will continue to bury our hands in between our legs as we watch our hated delicacies pushed down our throat. And watch posterity forever rue the fact that we too, were here!
I am only involved in sober reflections from my small corner, as a Creative Philosopher who sips wine from the Ancestral Pots of Wisdom. You are invited, if you care for a precious sip. This too, is a part of the convoluted system called democracy.
Actually,I agree with you to some extent but your argument is not entirely true .
Remember culture is dynamic. Although, globalisation has a hand in the rapid growth of dynamism of the African culture. I see we are rather improving on some aspects of our culture but not neglecting them, nor are they fading away
Interesting point made there. Well in my opinion, globalisation cannot be blamed for our woes in the perspective of donations from donor countries and why they lord over us. Globalisation actually benefits everyone in one way or the other. No man is an island as they say, with or without globalization, there would be the need for that transnational symbiosis between countries and even organisations in different continents for mutual benefits . Our predicaments can actually be blamed on poor governmental mismanagement and greedy/stomach leadership not on globalisation.
I find it difficult to make a resolute argument as to whether globalisation is eroding local culture or enabling it. I believe it's doing both. Putting into perspective geopolitics, our local system lacked participation. Chiefs and Queens were appointed and sometimes the title and honour given to fickle minded individuals with the townsfolk having little to no say in it. Due to globalisation, collective interests of individuals are taken into consideration and citizens get to vote for who leads a nation. There was a time where women couldn't vote in some countries but that's no more the case. In as much as globalisation is eroding some of our local cultures which we've termed as 'primitive' and 'outmoded' it's just helping us fit into the global village and to be on par with other countries.
People who are exposed to foreign cultures are sometimes influenced selectively depending on the characteristics of their national or ethnial cultures and are likely to integrate foreign elements with their own cultures.
Globalisation has erased values of most practiced culture which has been preserved for centuries, while we are being introduced to the western culture which seems more accepted. I'm sure globalisation instituted this new form of contributing on learning materials, instead of the normal answering of questions in a physical classroom.
I personally believe its good to blend both global and local cultures but i see a problem when a continent decides to leave entirely its culture and cling to only the global culture. you can learn some aspects of the global culture add it to yours and you will have a blend and that will be better. Obviously, its not all the global cultures that can fit in well into our indigenous culture so we must be careful what we import all in the name of globalization.
I humbly disagree with the notion that "globalization benefit every one" This is because where globalization is coming from or the assume facilitators of globalization is the Western world and almost everything about globalization turn to benefit them more.... It is simply like given a child (underdeveloped countries) candy and taking his cake. BACS191015
In the fate of the local, one of the key premises about the global process is that, globalization process are eliminating local cultures and replacing them with a generic, uniform global culture.
Cultures and communities in one part of the world or country are connected to development occurring in another country due to globalisation. This has resulted in the loss of cultural boundaries since there is a transfer of values and beliefs from one culture to the other and this is as a result of the international media and other types of cultural transmitters which influences people’s way of thinking all around the world and making them act as socialization agents. This in a way has contributed positively as traditions like trokosi, widowhood rites and FGM are being fought against as a result of this same globalization.
On the other hand, several languages in many developing nations are in extinction. Certain languages particularly English have been imposed as a first or second language in some developing countries where their native language could actually foster better communication. Therefore the dominance of the English language on these countries could be detrimental.
Globalization has brought about free trade and global integration of market. For example, Apple products is being manufactured in the US and ensembles in China . Without Globalization this wouldn’t happened.
We are gradually sweeping away our rich local cultures all in the name of globalization because all of a sudden everything seems to be “normal”. We need to wise up to preserve what we hold dear.
Globalization as an ideology, legitimacy and distortion or displacement are all inclusive in the globalization agenda. Locality cannot be wiped out of the people as far as globalization is concerned because the indigenous cultures which are maintained forms as a basis for globalization to be more visible and well appreciated.
Global worlds are formed by the coming together of localities and the acceptance of the global world culture by the early adopters. Laggards may fall under the local living their fate to either either education, migration, trade, or marriage, all other things being equal.
Globalization has lessened government regulations and restrictions in our economy in exchange for greater participation by private entities. This has opened up trade and investments from countries all over the globe increasing the exchange of cultures and opportunities for development. Globalization exposes the local to things that in the past were so far away from him but now are closer because of the shrinking and breaking of borders. BACS 19662
I agree that locality is not lost entirely or changed but rather it has been reconstituted therefore we have to be careful as people as to which aspects of other peoples cultures we are embracing and how we are trying to integrate them into our own. its not everything foreign that is entire 'evil' or bad
Globalization is helping in our part of our country anyways.Modified culture is our results. For instance is with our marriage system. Now, our husband s can help us in the kitchen and also we ladies can work to support our husbands instead of being house wives and putting all the burdens on our husbands.
Globalization can be thought of to be the result of the opening up of the global economy and the concomitant increase in trade between nation BACS191005
The world today is increasingly polarised into locals versus cosmopolitans.The locals understand that globalization threatens traditional ways of life and that global institutions tend to undermine local processes of democracy.Although globalization opens up international access,lowers the costs of customer services,levels the competitive playing field,breeds more competition,a majority of people have not come to terms with these positiveness. This is as a result of the numerous negativity that associates itself with globalization such as making it virtually impossible for regulators in one country to foresee the worldwide implications of their actions.Perhaps these locals are of the view that no nation has ever developed over the long term under the rules being imposed today on third world countries by the institutions controlling globalization. BACS19203
Globalization has also made it easier to access foreign culture, including food, movies, music, and art. The free flow of people, goods, and information has made the world a better place.
Western Dominance despite huge growth in emerging markets, the Western developed world still holds the reigns on international order and on how capital flows from country to country. In a way,the developed world tries to help the developing world deepens poverty rather than alleviating it.
Also,I think it is appropriate if we blend both foreign and local culture but it will be disastrous if we entirely abolish ours for theirs. BACS19504
Globalisation in a way is not helping some countries. Its makes the rich richer and poor more poorer. The aids and grants given to developing nations has a hidden agenda behind it. When they give you one ,they take three. BACS19011
The concept of global normative culture has deepened my understanding of how some ideas have become accepted and are been practicalized. How some ideas have been accepted as the norm, as legal or the way something is supposed to be done. Human rights, for instance, has become something that has been advocated for and is now widely accepted as the norm.
Globalization has helped other countries to develop well but others are still lacking behind. We must also not. Copy blindly from other cultures .bacs191284
BACS19257 From the claims of globalization, it could be deduced that it's only benefit the rich. Amongst comity of nations, it is to the advantage of of industrialised western world but to the disadvantage to the raw material producing countries. The liberalization and global integration of markets only benefit the rich. Also it's does not benefits everyone it's rather pulling the poor back to colonization which of course is in game different form.
Locality and globalization has both been explained in our work and it subject it to the concept of both. It encapsulates the existing locality of society, its evolution and how globalization has improve on locality to show the advancement of elements such as education, industrialization, agriculture, employment and other essential elements that predicts and show the progressive dynamism.
One of advantages of the global normative culture is the promotion of human rights of individuals which places like Africa would have experience otherwise due to situations like 'big man', political instability etc.
Even now, some governments may pick and choose aspects of the global normative culture that will best promote their interest and not really the masses
One of advantages of the global normative culture is the promotion of human rights of individuals which places like Africa would have experience otherwise due to situations like 'big man', political instability etc.
Even now, some governments may pick and choose aspects of the global normative culture that will best promote their interest and not really the masses
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Well received sir! BACS19492
Thanks for the material.
Received thanks
Received Thanks
Looking forward for more details. Thanks
Globalization is not uprooting local culture neither is it burying intead,globalization is modifying local culture to make it more adaptive and preserved for the upcoming generation.
BACS 19449
Received with thanks sir. Granted, globalization has not totally wiped out the local but from observation, it can be inferred that the role globalization played ten years ago is not the same as now. Who knows, in some ten years to come, the global village would be so powerful that it could result into a 'local erosion'. BACS19371
In my opinion globalization has rather depleted our core values and culture, we tend to prefer and refer to western goods and culture which is crippling society. As a nation we need to reassess what we want and restructure to accommodate our values. Countries that made strives did not follow the so-called status quo. BACS191042
Thanks allot for the indebt knowledge you are set to imbibe in us through this topic.The understanding of the globalization and development brings to bear the integration and development innitiated, and also it dynamic reforms which is taken place accross world-wide.
Enoch Arkoh
Gij has come of age
Good for the institute
Gij is growing
Great content
Thanks sir.
BACS 19522
Indeed, as Jameson (2000) says, "locality is not lost in the tide of globalisation".
Until after this lecture, myself and many other people believed (some may still do) that globalisation along with industrialisation has come to entirely eliminate our local culture and in the end replace it with Western culture. However the truth we need to realise and accept is that, globalisation which in fact has come to stay with us is rather transforming our localities such that our local culture be it our sense of fashion, food, even technology, are modified to suit our locality as well as match international standards. In the end globalisation benefits everyone.
Thank you
Enter your comment...Indeed globalization has not entirely eradicated the local culture but only internationalized that. However, this inevitable phenomenon negates one of the tenets that make it ideological(Globalization benefits everyone). The inordinate taste for foreign goods, especially the cultural-bound goods like food and dresses have over the decades weaken the economic value of the local culture-bound products and strengthening the economy of the former. The dominant reason is simply the relative cheaper cost of the foreign ones which simply will attract consumers who are rational purchasers.
So then the questions we must be asking include; how can the African economy get boosted by harnessing its culture-bound goods and what are the impediments to achieving this goal?
The solutions i always propose are to decrease the cost of raw materials in order to reduce the cost of production and the price of goods so they can be competitive on the market. Example in the growing of crops, vegetables and the making of shoes and dresses.
There should also be the institution and implementation of agro-industrialization reform strategies to add value to primary products produced in order to attract more revenue for the economy at the world market.
BACS 19141
BACS 19005
If globalization is the reason why Ghanaians are now more inclined towards those western lifestyles, then why is china still in her elements of culture. The Chinese are using their culture to develop whilst Ghanaians want to develop using other people's culture and that is highly impossible. It's high time we start believing that the changes that happen in our culture are planned. America is using that planned process to develop likewise Russia and the rest of the super powers. let's start planning our process to development and stop waiting for other countries to use their structure to help us develop.
I'd like to comment on Global Normative Culture. The politics globalization brings affects the Norms, Believes and cultures accepted by the world. This is because diverse politics arise at the transnational level when globalization declines the nation state. Aside human rights which is globally accepted because of the humane aspects which can be generalised, believes and cultures which are globally accepted can be said to be cultural imperialism. I have not seen a Ghanaian culture or tradition become Globally accepted before. So whose culture permeate s polycentric networks and geopolitics. The rich countries always win.
BACS 19025
So I don't agree that all locals just changes but is not lost. Not all locals change because of Globalization. Some locals superior.
BACS 19025
Globalization is quickly controlling the cultural practices of the Ghanaian people. Those who are slow are left behind and from indications, everyone seems to be in hurry not to be left behind. Culture of the developed economy has taken over the local culture. Many Ghanaians prefer the cultural practices of the developed countries rather than their own
Undoubtedly, globalization has imparted greatly on some of our local practices but that not withstanding, there are still aspects of our local cultural practices which are still very relevant today. Traditional festivals as well as some rites of passage are still being practiced to the core in modern times.
Africa in which Ghana is part cannot neglect the issue of globalization but one thing is certain for the development of the African continent. Culture and traditions of a people distinguish them from others. For Africans to be developed, cultures and traditions can play a major role. Due to globalization, our respect for the norms and values of the African are gradually fading away.
The issues of globalization in my point of view threatens the fate of the local. In the name of free movement and trade for instance, African nations have become dumping sites for bedtime goods. In the name of foreign preference, even toothpick is imported into Ghana. The web of globalization and the pressure it mounts on local structures have made our farmers get lesser for what they produce because they do not meet a so called standard.
Yes we may have had benefit as the concept of “globalization is for everyone “ suggests, but also the fate of the local is gloomy going by this same phenomenon.
From what I have read, Globalization has come to benefit all but my issue is that, Africa for that matter Ghana's benefits has been very insignificant. Due to Globalization we get help from other countries who call themselves super power countries. They sometimes term these help as donations, but these same donor countries attach clauses to these donations they give us so that at the end of the day, they Lord over us. Instead of working with what we have as a country to provide for ourselves, our leaders still continue going to them because they know these donor countries are always there to help, how and when will our woes end?
BACS 191125
cultural globalization which involves cross-border movement of cultures and openness of media, may also have increased a population's perception of the supposed benefits of foreign lifestyles of foreign diets. Two decades ago in Ghana, breakfast were local food that are served in our homes but globalization has influenced foreign food as breakfast in most homes which may lead to greater calorie consumption through intake of fast food rich in fats and sugars
Thank you sir
Hello, please can't download
Very resourceful
Globalization and geopolitics, and its cooked tenets or indicators of democracy, human rights and what have you, franchised in the arbiter corridors of Washington, Paris, London and the likes, is a great worry to me.
The chess game continuous to make no-say nations like Ghana puppets in the hands of the arbiters of geopolitical power. We become their pawns when they wish to spread their tentacles and expendables when we stand up to their authority.
Truly, is this what we are caressing and hailing as the best practice? One without a standard measuring rod? The law of the jungle still exist, there is really no truly democracy and equality as is often proclaimed. If Venezuela, Lybia, and Iraq’s sovereignty could be attacked in the name of globalization and its brain-child, democracy, then we are doomed.
But of course, who cares. ‘Dem belly full, and we hungry’. The scare is glaring.
It is instructive to note that almost all the nations that have developed and are still developing in the the real sense post the so called democratic era being led by the United States and its proponent cohorts of the capitallist ideology, have done so without practicing full democracy.
Mention can be made of Singapore, Korea, Japan which prior to the emergence of China was the second leading economy globally after the US, Lybia, Equatorial Guinea, 1957-1966 Ghana, and recently, the beautiful rise of Rwanda, Africa's wonder story.
Even the UK which claims to be a proponent of democracy, does not practice full democracy in the true sense of the word. If it did, it would not have the Queen, a monarch, superintend over its affairs as the Head of State, with a Parliamentary system led by the prime minister. It is a quasi-democracy, with a certain semblance of dictatorship.
Is it fair therefore, to deduce that, perhaps, democracy is not good for Africa?
I have always believed that the best form of governance for us is one which evolves out of our indigenous systems and traditional practices. It is obvious that what has been pushed down our throat as part of the globalization agenda, and of which we have ignorantly consumed hook lime and sinker, is not working and is alien to us. Thus, we can never develop by practising and using that which is alien to us, at least China has shown that this will not work.
If how the Dagbon Chieftaincy crisis was amicably solved is anything to go by, then it is an indicator that it is about time we begun to have a critical conversation about this cancerous animal called democracy. If all the political and international diplomatic strategies could not bring lasting peace to Dagbon except a return to our indigenous traditional system and practices, then we are definitely going anywhere if we continue to stick to this system of democracy franchised by foreigners for us.
We will become 'terrorists' any way, but hey, if China and likes of Russia and Rwanda are still existing, we can survive too, if we take our destiny into our hands as a nation.
Until then, we will continue to bury our hands in between our legs as we watch our hated delicacies pushed down our throat. And watch posterity forever rue the fact that we too, were here!
I am only involved in sober reflections from my small corner, as a Creative Philosopher who sips wine from the Ancestral Pots of Wisdom. You are invited, if you care for a precious sip. This too, is a part of the convoluted system called democracy.
Thanks so much.
I Lovett simply examples madam gave us.
Actually,I agree with you to some extent but your argument is not entirely true .
Remember culture is dynamic. Although, globalisation has a hand in the rapid growth of dynamism of the African culture. I see we are rather improving on some aspects of our culture but not neglecting them, nor are they fading away
Interesting point made there. Well in my opinion, globalisation cannot be blamed for our woes in the perspective of donations from donor countries and why they lord over us. Globalisation actually benefits everyone in one way or the other. No man is an island as they say, with or without globalization, there would be the need for that transnational symbiosis between countries and even organisations in different continents for mutual benefits . Our predicaments can actually be blamed on poor governmental mismanagement and greedy/stomach leadership not on globalisation.
I find it difficult to make a resolute argument as to whether globalisation is eroding local culture or enabling it. I believe it's doing both. Putting into perspective geopolitics, our local system lacked participation. Chiefs and Queens were appointed and sometimes the title and honour given to fickle minded individuals with the townsfolk having little to no say in it. Due to globalisation, collective interests of individuals are taken into consideration and citizens get to vote for who leads a nation. There was a time where women couldn't vote in some countries but that's no more the case. In as much as globalisation is eroding some of our local cultures which we've termed as 'primitive' and 'outmoded' it's just helping us fit into the global village and to be on par with other countries.
BACS 19269
People who are exposed to foreign cultures are sometimes influenced selectively depending on the characteristics of their national or ethnial cultures and are likely to integrate foreign elements with their own cultures.
Bacs 19993
Globalisation has erased values of most practiced culture which has been preserved for centuries, while we are being introduced to the western culture which seems more accepted.
I'm sure globalisation instituted this new form of contributing on learning materials, instead of the normal answering of questions in a physical classroom.
I personally believe its good to blend both global and local cultures but i see a problem when a continent decides to leave entirely its culture and cling to only the global culture. you can learn some aspects of the global culture add it to yours and you will have a blend and that will be better. Obviously, its not all the global cultures that can fit in well into our indigenous culture so we must be careful what we import all in the name of globalization.
People have been exposed to foreign cultures bacs191284
Our part of the world experiencing globalization have had it merits and demerits.But is up to the individual to make the right choices
BACS 19894
I humbly disagree with the notion that "globalization benefit every one"
This is because where globalization is coming from or the assume facilitators of globalization is the Western world and almost everything about globalization turn to benefit them more....
It is simply like given a child (underdeveloped countries) candy and taking his cake.
Globalization has benefited developed countries more than the developing ones
Nice presentation by all standard.
Globalisation has aided in the eradication of local cultures and it is more beneficial to the developed countries. Thanks BACS191138
In the fate of the local, one of the key premises about the global process is that, globalization process are eliminating local cultures and replacing them with a generic, uniform global culture.
Cultures and communities in one part of the world or country are connected to development occurring in another country due to globalisation. This has resulted in the loss of cultural boundaries since there is a transfer of values and beliefs from one culture to the other and this is as a result of the international media and other types of cultural transmitters which influences people’s way of thinking all around the world and making them act as socialization agents. This in a way has contributed positively as traditions like trokosi, widowhood rites and FGM are being fought against as a result of this same globalization.
On the other hand, several languages in many developing nations are in extinction. Certain languages particularly English have been imposed as a first or second language in some developing countries where their native language could actually foster better communication. Therefore the dominance of the English language on these countries could be detrimental.
The claims that make Globalization Ideological.
Globalization has brought about free trade and global integration of market. For example, Apple products is being manufactured in the US and ensembles in China . Without Globalization this wouldn’t happened.
BACS 19138
GLOBALISATION has quickened the desemination of information through the media by the use of mordern technology.
Globalization does not really benefit everyone. It overshadow the cultures and traditions of the locals. Bacs19855
The earlier we have a detailed structure of our culture the better. We must not always copy blindly
We are gradually sweeping away our rich local cultures all in the name of globalization because all of a sudden everything seems to be “normal”. We need to wise up to preserve what we hold dear.
The first and the second stage which are the trend and project respectively cannot be underestimated in terms of political Globalization
Globalization as an ideology, legitimacy and distortion or displacement are all inclusive in the globalization agenda. Locality cannot be wiped out of the people as far as globalization is concerned because the indigenous cultures which are maintained forms as a basis for globalization to be more visible and well appreciated.
Global worlds are formed by the coming together of localities and the acceptance of the global world culture by the early adopters. Laggards may fall under the local living their fate to either either education, migration, trade, or marriage, all other things being equal.
Globalization has lessened government regulations and restrictions in our economy in exchange for greater participation by private entities. This has opened up trade and investments from countries all over the globe increasing the exchange of cultures and opportunities for development. Globalization exposes the local to things that in the past were so far away from him but now are closer because of the shrinking and breaking of borders.
BACS 19662
I agree that locality is not lost entirely or changed but rather it has been reconstituted therefore we have to be careful as people as to which aspects of other peoples cultures we are embracing and how we are trying to integrate them into our own. its not everything foreign that is entire 'evil' or bad
Globalization has brought liberalization and development to the people. It is also inevitable and irreversible
Globalization is helping in our part of our country anyways.Modified culture is our results. For instance is with our marriage system. Now, our husband s can help us in the kitchen and also we ladies can work to support our husbands instead of being house wives and putting all the burdens on our husbands.
BACS 19406
Globalization can be thought of to be the result of the opening up of the global economy and the concomitant increase in trade between nation
Hamdiya Fuseini
The world today is increasingly polarised into locals versus cosmopolitans.The locals understand that globalization threatens traditional ways of life and that global institutions tend to undermine local processes of democracy.Although globalization opens up international access,lowers the costs of customer services,levels the competitive playing field,breeds more competition,a majority of people have not come to terms with these positiveness.
This is as a result of the numerous negativity that associates itself with globalization such as making it virtually impossible for regulators in one country to foresee the worldwide implications of their actions.Perhaps these locals are of the view that no nation has ever developed over the long term under the rules being imposed today on third world countries by the institutions controlling globalization.
Even though globalization is taking place globally, people experience is unequal and this is due to socio- economic situations.
Thanks for the lecture material Sir, really appreciate it.
#BACS 19573
Globalization has also made it easier to access foreign culture, including food, movies, music, and art. The free flow of people, goods, and information has made the world a better place.
Western Dominance
despite huge growth in emerging markets, the Western developed world still holds the reigns on international order and on how capital flows from country to country. In a way,the developed world tries to help the developing world deepens poverty rather than alleviating it.
Also,I think it is appropriate if we blend both foreign and local culture but it will be disastrous if we entirely abolish ours for theirs.
Globalisation in a way is not helping some countries. Its makes the rich richer and poor more poorer.
The aids and grants given to developing nations has a hidden agenda behind it.
When they give you one ,they take three.
All the information being provided is so relevant to all students and has make learning more easier for me and most of my colleagues
The concept of global normative culture has deepened my understanding of how some ideas have become accepted and are been practicalized. How some ideas have been accepted as the norm, as legal or the way something is supposed to be done.
Human rights, for instance, has become something that has been advocated for and is now widely accepted as the norm.
Globalization has helped other countries to develop well but others are still lacking behind. We must also not. Copy blindly from other cultures .bacs191284
From the claims of globalization, it could be deduced that it's only benefit the rich. Amongst comity of nations, it is to the advantage of of industrialised western world but to the disadvantage to the raw material producing countries. The liberalization and global integration of markets only benefit the rich. Also it's does not benefits everyone it's rather pulling the poor back to colonization which of course is in game different form.
Na BACS 19265
Locality and globalization has both been explained in our work and it subject it to the concept of both.
It encapsulates the existing locality of society, its evolution and how globalization has improve on locality to show the advancement of elements such as education, industrialization, agriculture, employment and other essential elements that predicts and show the progressive dynamism.
Interesting topic over there
Interesting topic over there
BACS 19807 - Thanks for this
BACS 19807 - Thanks for this
Globalisation has come to modify us. Bacs19918
Globalization is for the rich, by the rich, affects and challenges the poor.
We are really benefiting from Globalization. Just that we are not making good use of it which is causing us to be still be poor
BACS 19930
Globalization has brought liberalization and development to us !
BACS 19938
Thanks for this lecture I love it
One of advantages of the global normative culture is the promotion of human rights of individuals which places like Africa would have experience otherwise due to situations like 'big man', political instability etc.
Even now, some governments may pick and choose aspects of the global normative culture that will best promote their interest and not really the masses
One of advantages of the global normative culture is the promotion of human rights of individuals which places like Africa would have experience otherwise due to situations like 'big man', political instability etc.
Even now, some governments may pick and choose aspects of the global normative culture that will best promote their interest and not really the masses
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