
Thursday, 7 February 2019




Unknown said...

Thank you Sir.

Bediako said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bediako said...

The literature is very detailed. I'm glad already. Thank you sir for this.

Bediako said...
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Bright Selase Afavi said...

Thank you very much sir for these materials. It is very useful to me.


Kwaku Adjei Amoa-Bosompem said...

Detailed content.Thanks Sir


Unknown said...

Very detailed and resourceful-BACS191252

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The materials are very useful. Thank you sir. BACS191009

Boboo said...

Very useful material sir thanks

Unknown said...

It very insightful sir, thank you. BACS19409

johnteyeapply said...

BACS 19426
Very educative and impactful. Thank you Sir .

Unknown said...

This approach of teaching and learning should have been adopted a long time ago to help in idea sharing. Great content. I believe it will be great if all courses are shared through this content.

Unknown said...

I agree with Nayra Dogbe.
For a moment, I thought this new approch will be stressful for those of us who are working. But then looking at all the comment posted on the platform, I realize this is also a good opportunity to learn from one another.

Thank you Sir! BACS191177

Miss Adu said...

`Very detailed and resourceful

Thank You Sir


Unknown said...

I think this approach of sharing learning materials seem to be very interesting, quick and effective. But when you click on the tab that ask you to 'click and download' it opens many files under presentation three that come with different number of pages.
My question is, are they all under presentation three alone. Or there's a particular one to be downloaded. That's my confusion. Thanks a lot.

Gifty Sasu said...

It is great to receive learning materials on our phones without making long and stressful calls. But like a colleague said presentation three has different other materials making it look confusing. Other than that, I see this style as a very positive move. Thank you.

The Creative Philosopher said...

BACS19758: The problem with globalization is the fact that although it has been in existence over centuries, the proliferation of mass communication powered by the advent of technology, gave it a bigger platform for its effects to be felt and seen on a bigger scale.

The Creative Philosopher said...

BACS19758: According to Babu Matthew, the biggest problem of globalization especially in third world countries (using India as the reference point) is the destruction of local economies and the the creation of widening inequalities through the class system to the advantage of developed nations and their commercial cartel.

Unknown said...

Been reading through this course for sometime now and realise that is very bulky and loaded.I then sat down to read through and realise that globalization is something that happens every day cause each country depends on each other for survival.and a grate platform to share ideas learn from each other
BACS 191201

Unknown said...

Bacs 191201
Very interesting course but when u click on download it takes you to a different page making it difficult to asses it.
For me I think in globalization every country depends on each other for survival
Example is US depends on Ghana for gold and the rest likewise Ghana depends on them to.
Globalization is a learning process

Unknown said...

This notes is very detailed. Thanks Sir BACS19991

Unknown said...

Thank you Sir.

Unknown said...

BACS 19797, this is a wonderful initiative.

Grace Nellie Yeboah said...

Notes are very useful
Thank you

nana akua said...

BACS19813: please am not able to download lecture three slides

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Great material. Thank you sir. BACS191184

Unknown said...

The material is well detailed. This is wonderful initiative.

BASC 191078 said...

It makes it easier and convinient for reading.thanx sir said...

BACS 19788 said...

BACS 19788 said...

It makes it easier and convinient for reading.thanx sir

Unknown said...

Sir thank you for the reading materials.
BACS 191153

Henry Dadzie said...
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Henry Dadzie said...

Thank you Sir.This initiative is really good and well detailed.


Unknown said...

Detailed. Thanks

Nana Okyere said...


Unknown said...

Useful an detailed material. Thanks Sir

Unknown said...


Sellas Manna Misenu said...

Thank You Sir. Makes it easier for some of us. Lecture and the Lecture material very detailed

Samuel Adusei-Brobbey said...

Very detailed and I believe it will have a long way to help me even after school ...

Unknown said...

Thank you sir
Very useful material.


Unknown said...

Very good

Unknown said...

Very good...Bacs19789

Unknown said...

Thank you so much sir,ive been looking out for this materials, will start revising and forward my comments here.


The reading material have been helpful thank you so much for sharing it. bless your heart sir.


Anonymous said...

BACS19989: Globalization has indeed made the world a small village. The interaction of different people from different places help in sharing cultures through human agents:

Derrick Adotey said...

I agree that it's almost as if the cold war never ended and the fight for cultural imperialism continues, but with globalization making headways in recent time cultural hybridization sounds about right. In Ghana for example, although western culture seems to have plagued us, you can't say it has totally replaced our traditional culture. We still have traits of our own culture. So what happens mostly is the cultural hybridization. Thanks for the slides, they are insightful.

BACS 19025

Derrick Adotey said...

Culturally, hybridization is on the rise than western imperialism due to globalization. Politically it's impossible to have one leader for the entire world, even in our own small countries, leaders are failing, international laws are not fully effective because the laws were not made with the peculiar state of countries in mind. Rather what I see is that most of this laws were made with a cosmopolitan moral in mind. This will not always be true. Although what is good or bad looks to have a worldly output, it won't always be so.

Derrick Adotey said...

BACS 19025

Anonymous said...

Cultural imperialism is really a phenomenon that we need to check as Ghanaians and Africans as a whole. Otherwise, it might be too late for us. BACS19944.

Unknown said...

Thank you, sir.
BACS 19745

Harriet Yeboah said...

Thank you, sir.
BACS 19745

Unknown said...

Detailed and easy to understand thanks sir

Unknown said...

Detailed and easy to understand thanks soo much sir

BACS 19576

Unknown said...

Cultural imperialism is a phenomenon that is widely spread in Africa especially in Ghana which needs to be looked at now rather than to wait and deteriorate us.
BACS 19166

DiamondGH said...

Okay so presentation 3 contains 13 PDFs
Thanks have received them all
Now won't be disturbing class rep for any slide again. This is the best
BACS 19238


This moral cosmopolitan only when the western countries will give respect to the Africans,but the situation where some countries consider themselves to be superior over others how can we achieve this? BACS 19790

The Creative Philosopher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The critical theory is an interesting and a practical theory. Oftentimes, what people say are way different from what they do and truly mean. The survival instinct has managed to make humans opportunists who will, given the chance, always take advantage of others. Going beyond the facade into the motive is always key.

Nelson Mandela opined that you can never deal with your enemy until you understand how he or she thinks and the motives for his actions.

Now the question as regard Africa is this - China has been studying Africa and our practices for so long that they have decoded our motives and are playing to our tunes, subtly. Is Africa and Ghana reading into the wooing motives of China and the West?

The Creative Philosopher said...

Moral Cosmopolitanism is a dangerous phenomenon and a facade, which feeds into the whims and caprices of the individual nation as far as their interests are concerned.

So if they want to be propagandist, they will assert that they are going strictly moral in which case the principle of ethical utilitarianism is applied - greater good for the greater number of people. In this case, a group could be sacrificed for the national or collective interest, a strategy America is so good at. It could kill its own citizens on September 11 in the name of 'the greater good' - going to Iraq for its oil. Question is, the killing of the Iraqis, what category of good does it fall under? Greater good, greed, or greater evil?.

On the other hand, when it comes to their commercial interest, then they stick to the concept of moderate cosmopolitanism, in which case they begin to choose with a quid pro quo motive. They did to China, and now China is doing same to Africa. And Africa is always the biggest victim.

What is missing in all these the gravitation towards ethical leadership which is now the new high standard. And because the standards are so high, nations and individuals are now picking and choosing. That is the sad part!


The Creative Philosopher said...

The critical theory is an interesting and a practical theory. Oftentimes, what people say are way different from what they do and truly mean. The survival instinct has managed to make humans opportunists who will, given the chance, always take advantage of others. Going beyond the facade into the motive is always key.

Nelson Mandela opined that you can never deal with your enemy until you understand how he or she thinks and the motives for his actions.

Now the question as regard Africa is this - China has been studying Africa and our practices for so long that they have decoded our motives and are playing to our tunes, subtly. Is Africa and Ghana reading into the wooing motives of China and the West?


Rita said...

Very useful and insightful. Thank you sir.

Hakim Saddath said...

This documents gives more insight about the course under study.
Through globalization countries are able the trade among themselves and assist each other in terms of financial aid, education, health among others.

Nana Yaa said...

What do I do in other to receive it in my mail Sir?

Martha Serwaa Boakye said...

Thank you sir

Martha Serwaa Boakye said...

Thank you sir

Vida Asiedu. said...

Thank God,I can comment now. Thanks for this novel approach, am encouraged to keep an active blog as a student Journalist. Thanks Sir, very innovative.

Unknown said...

Thank you very much sir.
The critical theory is a practical theory in nature. What people say and must be in sync.
To add, Cultural imperialism is an issue that is widely spread in Ghana.

Barbara Bonney said...

The note is very clear and detailed. Exciting lectures ahead! Thank you Sir. BACS19132

Maamele said...

BACS 191197

Interesting course! Indeed countries depend on each other for survival. Globalization has turned the world into a small town

Maamele said...

BACS 191176

globalization is something that happens always, making it a learning process.

sarah said...

Bacs 191140

this course is interesting. I've realised that this approach of sharing learning materials is very effective and interesting

Esther said...

globalization is something that happens always, making it a learning process.

Unknown said...

Globalisation has really helped shaped the world as well as enabled countries to assist each other.

Naa Bonney said...

BACS 19131
Moral Cosmopolitanism is debatable in a sense that sometimes foreigners deserve help at the expense of the's advisable to weigh situations and offer help, rather than psyching to help compatriots irrespective of whether appropriate or not.

Linda Dagadu Mifatu said...

Expecting to learn real life experiences from this course.
BACS 19623

Nkrumah said...

Wow it’s about time we start believing in ourselves as Africans and learn to unlearn what we have been thought as the norm. I have come to realize that western ideas isn’t always compatible with our way of life. There’s hope. Africa rising ����

Unknown said...

Very insightful and educative materials Sir.
This will go a long way to help us in our academics.
We appreciate Sir.
Thank you.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

BACS 19698. In general I think globalization is a process it doesn't have a starting point or a finishing point. Simply because it's spreads and it's in all aspects of our lives. Also, individuals or countries accept globalization differently. Some may adopt it right when they are introduced to it and some may be a bit more skeptical. Thank you.

Unknown said...

This is undoubtedly amazing.
Educative and insightful materials made accessible for students.
God bless you for this initiative.
Thank you.


Evans said...

Even this platform is bringing people together to share our thoughts from our respective homes and classes on the topic, thus fostering the course of globalization through digitalization.

The materials are great to read and we hope to be engaged more on the course.


Anonymous said...

Modern elements like technology will continue to help bridge the gap between us citizens of the world, making it easier to positvely influence one another.

We should take advantage of the opportunities of these connectedness to aid our development but also hold fast to the things that help us celebrate our uniqueness


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Very detailed documents here. Not exhausted them all yet. But I believe knowledge in these areas is going to be of immerse help in shaping us the future leaders of the WORLD!

Globalization is an increasingly very necessary topic and as the world is gradually being shrinked and shrinked, we need to adapt as much as possible so as not to be left out!


Ruth Adoley Okoe said...

This piece is very useful and resourceful.
BACS 191077

rosales said...

Its a really good piece.thank you sir BACS 19785

Unknown said...

We are privileged to be receiving such materials. God bless you sir.

Odehyeba kwabena ofosu said...

I thought this new approch will be stressful for those of us who are working. But then looking at all the comment posted on the platform, I realize this is also a good opportunity to learn from one another. BACS 19248

Unknown said...

Good Morning Mr. Atawura, respectfully, I want to know whether they was globalisation before slave trade or the opposite.. Thank you. BACS 19789

frimpong samuel said...

the presentations can not be downloaded please. i suggest you send them to the class reps for distribution.
BACS 191102

Anonymous said...

Going through the cosmopolitanism materials i noticed that cosmopolitanism which could be translated as “citizen of the world” is indeed a very broad concept and isn’t easy. Different cultures have different norms, for language, clothing etc. This can create a lot of stress and conflicts


Unknown said...

Resourceful material, thank you sir. BACS 19754

Unknown said...

Pls how do we access the previous lecture notes. Thank you BACS191042

Anonymous said...

Great and very resourceful material. BACS191075

Ofori Kusi said...

Very insightful piece.God bless you sir.

Anonymous said...

BACS 19837

The material is very resourceful and detailed.
It is time Africans sit down and correct their mistakes. We can start from somewhere.And in order to do that, we need to first observe and define the current predicament. You cannot change what you are not thoroughly aware of.however, it is the western mainstream media that has a stronghold on naming African trends, and we all know they get a hard-on from categorizing Africa into reductive tropes.

Precious said...

Globalization is happening and never going to reverse. It is up to us, as Ghanaians to find ways to use Globalization to benefit us instead of complaining that we have to go back to our old ways of doing things. Globalization is irreversible.

Thank you Sir for enlightening us.
BACS 19639

Wise Osei said...

Thanks for making access to our course materials very easy. BACS19492

Christine Dzakah said...

Failure in our democratic process has done us a lot of harm but I think instead of going to borrow from China and giving away our lands and valuabe asserts,we should find out how they managed to turn the tables around or better still start off by learning from Ethiopia and South Africa who are equally Africans.

Christine Dzakah BACS 19787 said...

We need selfless leaders.

Unknown said...

After reading the material my understanding has been made concrete. Thanks sir

Unknown said...

The document provided is detailed and easy to understand. Thank you the making our learning approach easy. Bacs19900

Unknown said...

Democracy is not the answer to the plethora of issues facing this country. We should have shaped our traditional system of governance to suit current trends.

Hal said...

I think cultural imperialism is not altogether negative because certain aspects of our culture must unavoidably be replaced with an ideal one. Thanks BACS 19963

Martha Serwaa Boakye said...

Thank you sir

Martha Serwaa Boakye said...

Thank you Sir

Martha Serwaa Boakye said...

Thank you Sir

Unknown said...

Very insightful

Jemimah Acheampong said...

Thanks for the detailed information.

Atakora collins said...

Thanks for the information

Unknown said...

This is very interestedly educative.

Akoma Media said...

Thank you sir

Mo said...

I think globalization and global flows of culture have redefined the processes in which we share and connect to ourselves, others, and the world.

Anonymous said...

Ali Papisdaff Abdullah BACS19873

Unknown said...

Very deep revelations BACS19792

Rose said...

Thank you for this insight and notes. Bacs191032

Rose said...

Wow this is huge, a lot at the same time interesting. bacs191032

Gideon Odoom said...

Such a relief to have the slides. The Cosmopolitan lecture for me was a bit rush. Now i can make the time to glean the most from the slides.
BACS 19559.


The article is very detailed and educative. Thank you sir. Bacs19534

Unknown said...

Bismark Bless Nyadzi
Very educative.
Thanks sir
BACS 191059

Unknown said...

Bismark Bless Nyadzi
Very educative.
Thanks sir
BACS 191059

Bismark Bless Nyadzi said...

Bismark Bless Nyadzi
Very educative.
Thanks sir
BACS 191059

Unknown said...

BACS 19904.Thanks for the course materials. However, are there other materials that we can relate to in our African settings to make this course very appreciative fully?

Unknown said...

The concept of globalisation has a lot of limitations and its application political-wise and economic-wise has only one agenda which is to exploit the third world countries. Africa for example, irrespective its massive natural resources does not have any bargaining power on the international market. I was told that during Dr Nkrumah's regime some tons of cocoa beans were exported to the US and they were determining the price at which they wanted to buy. And Nkrumah rejected the price and ordered the cocoa be returned. So even though globalisation has come to stay, we have very little or no say at all in the issues that affect us. Take for example, the UN Security Council, the Third World countries do not have a representation. Yes we are in a global world but I think globalisation is creating more inequality than equality!

Unknown said...

Will need to really come over this lecture. Interesting revelations it has been

Abigail Gyabaa Peprah said...

Cultural imperialism is on the rise as much as hybridization is rising. Africans are still under the hold of colonial masters and western culture. Cultural imperialism is most prominent in the young folks. One will rather want to be seen eating fried rice, burger and chips instead of enjoying locally made "tuo zaafi". It's even embarrassing for some. Per hybridization, Africans are doing real well in integrating different cultures with our local ways. You'll spot a young lady in an African printed "crop top and skater skirt".
I believe with morals, one should always strive to be a moderate moralist but not totally ignore people whose afflictions don't affect them directly either.
BACS 19269

Unknown said...

This is purely the benefits of globalisation. BACS191025

Excel Consult said...

It is said Globalization benefits everyone. And i wonder why Africa somehow, still, is moving at a slow pace with Globalization... BACS19983

Eyram Azumah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eyram Azumah said...

Globalization has changed our culture a lot,in terms of our clothings and food preferences. Also,intead of Africa benefiting from the advantages of goblization it seems we are still behind in actualizing the whole concept.

BACS 19449

Unknown said...

Very insightful. Thanks

Unknown said...

Very insightful. Thanks

KABU NARTEY, 19227 said...


Summarily, this slides talks about one aspect of the lecture notes on this day ie Cultural Globalization.

It is instructive to note that , Globalization drives culture as captured on page 632. The agents of this gikryre and its interactions are human beings whose exposure and ways of doing things may varry from one geographic area to another. Culture just like society isn't static. This ever dynamic nature of these phenomenon leads to a constant change in conduct and sometimes movement. So therefore cultural globalization as defined in class is the movement or flow of cultures from one place to another. The question is in the process of transposition, migration of holders of these cultures, do these cultures influence each other. Another instructive lesson to note that not all of these cultures influence the other.

But note illystrustively, immigration or migration constributes significantly to the continued interaction of global citizens. And depending on how strong and conservation some cultures are are, they end by affecting the other culture.


Indeed, one of the benefits of globalization is development. We've seen a continent such as Asia rise to the challenge in the recent past decades with massive development in various spheres of their lives, however, same cannot be said of our dear continent Africa and most especially Ghana. I think individual parochial interests surpasses that of our nation.

Unknown said...

Culture is static. Some of the cultures peculiar to some countries are gradually changing due to the constant flow of foreign cultural elements to and fro other countries. The citizens of these countries are the agents of these cultural interaction and integration and their regular movements, exchanges and interaction (emigration and immigration) contributes largely to how culture is dynamic in the global landscape.

For many African countries, this culture globalization concept has led to cultural imperialism where alien ways of doing things with little or no regard to our traditional historic antecedents end up replacing our indigenous knowledge and ways of doing things.

But cultural globalization has also offered good opportunities for countries with outmoded practices to learn from a universal way of protecting and supporting the aspirations of its citizens.

I’m a nutshell, this phenomenon has had both positive and negative effects on the global village.


Najaht Osman said...


Unknown said...

I agree with Belinda Bentil, this is because having observed the current trend in Ghana,Western fashion has taken a dip hold of our youths. This is evident in our taste for clothing, food,education and other basic needs. Every society has its perculiar culture and the inhabitants are the carriers of the culture. Culture is not in a vacuum but is lived by people.

To maintain the indegenous African culture,we as Africans have to be proud of the rich culture we have and live it.


Anonymous said...

Thank you sir

SARAH said...

Thank you Sir


Reading material well detailed. Great.

Francisca Nsemi Ntow said...


Analysing globalization within the context culture and economy exposes culture assimilation and the autonomy of transnational corporations.

Economic globalization supports the privatization of government entities. In Ghana, the privatization of Ghana Telecom, Electricity Company of Ghana, among others indicates the urge to move capital to companies which are classified as transnationals or private enterprises.

The development of technology has aided in the diffusion of new culture, soon this will redefine our morals and norms.

Unknown said...

Globalization has changed our culture in alot .and development has taken over.bacs191284. Thanks for this material

Unknown said...

Globalization has brought the world closer together and has integrated cultures which enable individuals to learn from other countries. BACS 19894

Unknown said...

Globalization has lead to the adoption of some western cultures .BACS191138

Lizz Bram said...

According to Thomas Larrson,Globalization is the process of the shrinking of the world, the shortening of distances and the closeness of things. It allows the increased interaction of any person on one part of the world to someone found on the other side of the world in order to benefit.
Globalization is a two-edged sword. Africans are using the western methods to solve their problems and have abandoned their indigenous methods. This is making the Western people benefits more than Africans even though Globalization has made the world small.

BACS 19138

Amartey Belinda said...

Globalization has impacted almost every aspect of modern life including the economy since globalization continues to be the most widely accepted solution to ensuring consistent economic growth around the world. Economic globalization is responsible for the widespread of international movement of goods and services, people, capital and technology which has created and expanded foreign trade in the world.

Due to economic globalization, trade restrictions are reducing, domestic markets are opening up for foreign investments hence goods that were only found in western countries can now be found across the globe and under developed countries can enjoy the benefits of scientific advances and industrial progress available in developed countries.

Telecommunications due to economic globalization, have been advanced therefore work can be outsourced to any part of the world that has an internet connection irrespective of the distance. Countries and people are able to do business through international trade, whereby they import and export goods across countries. This global competition has improved quality of products and reduced monopoly as well.


Yvonne Mawuena Mensah said...

Hi Sir, thanks. To me the rationale behind globalization is that, the world through modern changes will emerge as one with equity in politics, social and economic development.
Yvonne Mawuena Mensah BACS 19214

Unknown said...

Globalization has its own effects on our society here in Ghana. The earlier we track it. The better.


Anonymous said...

Truly speaking, this course is an eye-opener. BACS 19963

Unknown said...

Thanks sir
Bacs 19576

Unknown said...

Globalization has definitely ignited the development of the globe in diverse ways. Indeed the path leading to the success of many Nations as a result of Globalization cannot be understated. Taking into accounts the points raised by the opponents of Globalization, we can also refute such claims by going with the issues raised by the proponents of Globalization


globalisation has made things easier and faster. every aspect of our lives have become open to people not just around us but people far as well.

Sylvester Ebo Turkson said...

Interesting and inciteful piece.


Anokye Peter said...

Globalization benefit almost everybody in a society with some sort of education


Unknown said...

Very informative and educative.
Thank you

IVY said...

Very insightful.Globalization is a good servant but can also be a bad master.I believe all of us enjoy the advantages globalization brings.So sad some of our culture have been missing in the process.

BACS 19406

IVY said...

Very insightful.Globalization is a good servant but can also be a bad master.I believe all of us enjoy the advantages globalization brings.So sad some of our culture have been missing in the process.

BACS 19406

Linda Kyei said...

The concept of cosmopolitanism has to do with the ideology that all human beings belong to a single community,based on a shared morality.Cosmopolitanism is evidenced in the creation of 50 states,5 territories and 1 district to form the United States and we can all attest to the fact that their integration has attributed to their development due to the fact that the policy reforms implemented are mostly positive to ensure growth and enable productivity.
Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah's role in forging African unity is better known.Africans enjoy different cultures,distinctive values,special attributes but being united as Africans would imbibe strength and caution us to submerge and overcome our differences in the quest for a common goal that will inhibit true developmental phases.
Unfortunately,the quest for unionism failed to be inculcated in Africa which i believe has contributed to where we find ourselves and also how we are represented worldwide.

Anonymous said...

In as much as globalization comes with it's merits, so as the demerits. The dynamism of culture has somewhat aided in the obstacles to development in most African countries.

We leave our culture behind and practice the westerns' blindly thinking by so doing would help us to develop, which isn't the case. Until we learn to appreciate the kind of culture we(Africans) are blessed with, we would continue to lag behind so far as development is concerned.


Nathaniel Footwe said...

the idea of cosmopolitanism, which talks about the fact that, we all belong to a single community based on a shared morality, makes us understand the more that, culture is dynamic. thus, it changes from time to time to suit a current condition or trend. but, the worry or problem with globalisation and culture is that, with globalisation, some countries or nations are seen as superpowers and movers and shakers of it hence, whatever they say or bring on board must be accepted by everyone. it is interesting to note that, most of these cultural infiltrations from the so called superpower nations like the US, U.K, France, Germany, and Russia have moved from from being attached as conditions to aids and grants to the production of movies - soap operas, series, animated movies, and these cultures are directly or indirectly pushed through the minds of citizens of the so called smaller nations. Globalisation is good, but not everything in and about globalisation benefits everyone. it even tends to take away the sovereignty of nations into the hands of a few powerful nations.

BACS 19168

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sir for this wonderful lecture material.

#BACS 19573

Antoanette Sedinam Akoto-Tenu said...

I am of the view that, without cultural hybridization, the world we live in would not be anywhere near as interesting and integrated as it is today.Moreover, cultural imperialism is one aspect we must pay keen attention to especially in Ghana before it deteriorate us.

Andrajabs said...

This is very insightful.

Adjetey Rebacca Atswei said...

Thank you very much sir. this is very useful, learnt a lot from it.

Adjetey Rebacca Atswei said...

Thank you very much sir. this is very useful, learnt a lot from it.

Armah Beryl Deiba said...

thank you very much sir. this has really broadened my scope on the world view on issues pertaining to social, cultural and political activities of the globe.

Andrajabs said...

This is very insightful. BACS19475

bene'sblog said...

If cosmopolitanism says everyone is equal, why then is the White exploiting the Blacks?
Racism rears it head in every sector where an African is.
BACS 19011

Anonymous said...


Globalisation had aided in giving us a global experience. Through globalisation, there has been a change in the cultures and lifestyles of people. People are adopting new ways of doing things through their exposure to other cultures. The tendency to opt for meals that are foreign to one culture, our choice of clothing, the appliances and items we use are all as a result of globalisation.


Emmanuel Kwesi Gyan said...

Great material, the essence of globalization should be realised through the learned and shared responsibility in eradicating various phenomenon that has bedevilled other continent particularly Africa

Emmanuel Gyan
BACS 19651

Unknown said...

The cosmopolitan aspect of this reading gives me the insight on how human development in terms of cultural values and principles connects the entire human system today ... Even though the world today have disparities we are all the same on humanistic values and levels
BACS 19299

Unknown said...

The cosmopolitan aspect of this reading gives me the insight on how human development in terms of cultural values and principles connects the entire human system today ... Even though the world today have disparities we are all the same on humanistic values and levels
BACS 19299

Unknown said...

The cosmopolitan aspect of this reading gives me the insight on how human development in terms of cultural values and principles connects the entire human system today ... Even though the world today have disparities we are all the same on humanistic values and levels
BACS 19299

Unknown said...


BACS19257 said...

Cosmopolitan I would say is another form of globalization. With the reasons that several meanings of cosmopolitan talks about how all human beings belonging to a single community based on shared mortality it goes further to talk about some forms of cosmopolitan. Which are political, Economic, cultural and moral cosmopolitanism. When it comes to the issues of globalization these forms are the issues of globalization.

Unknown said...

Adopting foreign cultures is not totally bad .We must make conscious efforts to promote our own culture.

Aseylive said...


Globalization contributes to accelerated economic growth, particularly through increased trade and investment activity and stimulates economic development by integrating emerging economies into the global economy. Advances in communication and transportation technology, combined with free-market ideology, have given goods, services, and capital unprecedented mobility and it is one of the reason globalization. This paper analyzes economic issues globalization, and examines how it might be resisted or regulated in order to promote sustainable development.

Unknown said...

Even though, the material seem to be bulky but very insightful and understanding.

Unknown said...

Even though, the material seem to be bulky but very insightful and understanding.

Damalie Emmanuel Pacome said...

Adopting foreign culture is not totally wrong. Even though certain elements are not right the few positives should be adopted to help in development in Africa. We say culture is dynamic, flexible and progressive so we should give to room to the ones that will Africa develop.
BACS 19531

Sellas Manna Misenu said...

BACS19807 - I find this interesting how our culture and political system has been redefined all in the name of globalization and cosmopolitanism. One of the reasons we are still sort of depending on the west.

Bennett said...


Anonymous said...

Where you stand depends on how you define the political influence on Africa.

Unknown said...

Very educational. At this point we can't overlook the influences of globalization.

Thank you sir

Nana Komeh Abboah-Offei

BACS 19894


Very well said.

Miss Anaadem said...

This is very clear and detailed !
BACS 19938

Adomako danso abigail said...

Well said


Anonymous said...

Educative and inspiring

Anonymous said...

We are definitely going to be exposed to both the benefits and disadvantages of globalisation as a society since it's inevitable.
It is however up to us to maximize the gains and work towards reducing its negative impact with regards to culture and in the economic aspect.


Anonymous said...

However its disadvantage on the world economy cannot be overlooked as well

BACS 19081