
Monday, 8 April 2019





Unknown said...

Great videos
BACS 191059

Lyfe said...

These videos somehow summarises our discussions on globalisation so far.

Anonymous said...

it's amazing how these westerners keep exploiting us in 'smart' ways. these videos, hopefully, will help us become wiser than the current batch of politicians to make the local stronger to withstand global forces.


These videos gives us a clear picture as to how globalization works and whether or not it benefits everyone or not. Also it answers questions earlier asked on whether globalization is own by a group of people or not.

BACS 191256


The video has given me a clear picture on what has been discussed so far on globalization and development. Some of the questions that was raised as to whether someone owns globalization or not also on how the locals have been affected both negative and positive since the inception of globalization.

BACS 191256

Mo said...

At the end of the day, it is clear that globalization does not benefit all. This is because developed states will always remain developed while undeveloped states remain underdeveloped due to exploitation.

Unknown said...

A vivid understanding of the impart of globalization on our society. Globalization does not only carry positivity but has subtle negative connotations that destroy our society at a very much slower pace but its effects is largely known.
These videos have been a eye opener in appreciating globalization in a much larger context.
BACS 191189

The Royals blog said...

Very Educative videos

Unknown said...

There are so many things happening in the world and global media has made it much more easier to view and understand.


Unknown said...
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bene'sblog said...

The videos are very helpful in the study of globalization. It has added more knowledge to the existing one's acquired.


This is very insightful and definitely African states must a clue. BACS19642

Miss Abanema said...

Definitely an addition to our courses work BACS19445

Unknown said...

Globalisation has made it easier to know what is happening in our African world....BACS19134

bene'sblog said...

The videos are very insightful especially in the study of globalization.
BACS 19011

bene'sblog said...

The videos are very insightful especially in the study of globalization.
BACS 19011

Unknown said...

I have fallen in love with this course.
It doesn't only teach us the theoretical aspect of globalisation , but gives us a vivid understanding of how globalisation works around us.And these are in video forms to give us the empirical evidence of the Global world.
BACS191165 .
Charlotte Awontiriim Bawa.

Unknown said...

In terms of globalization culture is part and a need to respect each others culture.
Dormenya Seraphine Irene

Anonymous said...

Africa must invest more resources to capacitate our media into tell positive stories about us. The west has succeeded in projecting single stories about us because our positive stories seldom sees the daylight.

Anonymous said...


Emmanuel Kwesi Gyan said...

western exploitation has become a vicious cycle that has impoverished developing countries. It is no surprising to see some scholars considergloablization akin to westernizatio

Emmanuel Gyan
BACS 19651

Unknown said...

So all this, what a world we live in, it's sad and I think it's time, we change our thoughts and fight for ourselves and the generations to to pick up from where we left of.
BACS 19768

Unknown said...

Very educative video


BACS 19790

Unknown said...

Nice and educative movie

Unknown said...

The African resources are being exploited which has led the locals to rise and protect what they felt is theirs.
Globalization in a way is exploiting the locals

Unknown said...

Just love it and can't stop watching it. In fact it's a mast watch
BACS 19960

Unknown said...

Thanks for your help sir. We really appreciate it and God bless you .
BACS 19960

BACS191182 said...


Very educative and informative
Thank you Sir

Unknown said...

Mary Agamah Teye
The video on end of poverty has given me the insight on how globalization is use as a form of human development but it rather favoures the country's at the top level ,they are at the higher positions of the world's market thereby they have power to which they influence countries at core . in the form of indirect colonisation they recolonise the African continent .

BACS 19299

Jemima said...

These videos are very revealling and educative. It is high time we wake from our slumber as Africans

KB said...

Much understanding of globalization is gained after watching the videos.

Anokye Peter said...

The video of end of poverty should help and make our African leaders think of the need for proper management of our resources for a better living since poverty is not a good thing to be tolerated


Anonymous said...

The biggest culprit in the decimation of local resources are the people presumed to be leaders in Africa. They participate in the collusion to impoverish their own people for the benefit of the big corporations. Sad.

BACS 191276

Unknown said...

Me I've read a book by John Perkins and he details the sinister moves of the west especially US and how they impoverish Africa under the pretext of helping us .

The beginning of the documentary is what saddens me "Africa is seating on a pool of resources, yet, it poor.



khan said...
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khan said...

Piracy in Nigeria clearly shows that the Nigerian government needs to do more in terms of engaging the people especially the natives of Niger delta together with the oil companies to find a sustainable solution to the crisis in that part of Nigeria.
The impression i get is that the the people don't trust the government and they see the expatriates as their enemies which is not a good sign.
BACS 191127

Anonymous said...

These videos will help broaden our minds on the course and also in applying the various terminologies


Daniel Dake said...

These videos just project the so called love our leaders have for us. It's sad. Our leaders must sit up.


Antoanette Sedinam Akoto-Tenu said...

These videos gives us the exposure to be enlighten more on how our African resources are being exploited and most importantly giving us a clear picture on all that we've learnt on globalisation.

Unknown said...

An educative video

Adjeibea Salomey said...

Identity politics by Francis Fukuyama,has really enlightened me about how leaders in other countries are only exploiting its people for their benefits. Making their people starve to even death concerns them not. Indeed a globalized world we find ourselves.

Adjeibea Salomey said...

Identity politics by Francis Fukuyama, has enlightened me about how leaders in other countries exploiting its people for their benefits. Even they starving to death concern them not. Indeed a globalized world we find ourselves.

Rose said...

Its really true knowledge is power. you live in a place thinking its all good but then leaders amass all the wealth to themselves and leave the lane man who does not have a voice to suffer BACS191032


This video gives a practical understanding of what we've been all along. Very insightful piece put together.
BACS 19531

Anonymous said...

These videos are insightful. It has given me a clearer understanding of globalization.

Anonymous said...

The lecture by Professor Fukuyama is very explicit on identity politics and it's benefits as well as threats to liberal democraticcountriesi. BACS19964

Anonymous said...

The end of poverty video is no exception as it demonstrates what was taught on development project, the characteristics outsourcing, displacement, in formalisation and recolonization. Globalization is really taking more from third world countries than it should.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Watching these videos is exposing us to how our Africa resources were exploited. This debunks the claim that globalization benefits everyone.

BACS 19098

Bennett said...

The motive of globalisation is not to as we see it to be helping out third world countries especially those in africa but rather a means by the West to extort them of their natural resources for their gains......BACS 19192

Bennett said...

Globalisation is not a means by the West to help in the development of the third world countries but rather a strategic means to keep them poorer in order to keep benefiting from their natural resources

Blessing Ahorlu said...

The video "The end of poverty" is very educative. It teaches the concept of development and globalisation.
1. Exploitation of the African continent by the Whites.

2. Misrepresentation of the African continent .

Blessing Ahorlu said...


Blessing Ahorlu said...


Blessing Ahorlu said...

The video the "End of Poverty" is very educative. It teaches the concept of development and globalisation.
1. Exploitation of the African continent by whites.

2. Misrepresentation of the African Continent.


Selom Alexander said...

Very Educative videos
BACS 191029

Selom Alexander said...
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Anonymous said...

Its the end of the course and i must say there is much more to learn and appreciate in this globalisation debate. it has been very enlightening especially appreciating the dynamics and implications from the view point of the market (private businesses/corporations) and the state (political structures/regulators). Depending on how you see it not every situation would favor all sections of a given population and to speak against globalisation would be an attempt to alter the natural course of human interactions and interconnections. As Giddens explains it is the intensity of these interconnections and interactions that has caught countries in especially Africa "ball watching"...our leaders too are not helping by conniving with the market forces from the north to exploit the continent. Thankfully the same globalisation has created a voice for non-governmental actors to check these irresponsibility.


Anonymous said...

Identity politics has brought about social change, recourses to mobilize and transform, empowerment, collective actions and equality. Even though changes are taking place in the international economy and norms, one should not be too quick to assume that these descriptive developments have casual significance.


Aisha said...

Identity politics has brought about social change, recourses to mobilize and transform, empowerment, collective actions and equality. Even though changes are taking place in the international economy and norms, one should not be too quick to assume that these descriptive developments have casual significance.

BACS191143 (Weekend)

KABU NARTEY, 19227 said...

The "diamond in the rough" TEDx concept behind the fashion industry in Seirra Leone by Mallence Bart-Williams is a classic example of the fate of the local as an inherent issue of globalisation. The minerals in abundance is a paradox to Africa's bane. These gems are obtained and exported at cheaper prices, used to manufacture the tiniest garments of royals of the west while Africa gets little in return concomitant to bad media publicity as a continent of poverty.
Same does it fall under Outsourcing as an trait of the globalisation project. A case of grobalisation as Ritzer 2007 argues, an imperialistic agenda to put on global market in local market.
But on the contrary, is there anything like "Sharity" in a world class system as Mallence alludes? Is there anything like whole aid without strings, certainly not!
He promotion of local content to feed the fashion world is a huge step to "strategic localization" as argued by McMichaels 2007, but I further interrogate this to ask "hope these necklaces and jewels produced from the hard work of these labour sources are priced reasonably when exported?".
Aside that that is surely the way to go - tell our own stories and as the Philippine's case, find ways to harness the positive sides of outsourcing or aid

KABU NARTEY, 19227 said...

Piracy in Nigeria : an case of illegality begets exploitation

If you ask me I would argue the mass murder, abduction and blackmailing of expatriate are crimes against humanity. But unfortunately, that's what seems to be the only way for these disgruntled youth to vent their anger towards the brutish exploitation of the resources of Nigeria.
Nigeria is an oil hub and a huge contributor to OPEC. But their case just like the case of Ghana has become a Dutch diseases where the mess created by this offshore and deep sea drilling is overriding a little or no benefits.
This is another case of outsourcing as a trait of the globalisation project. Either labour is acquired cheap due to the informalization gospel or there are no employment opportunities given the locals. Again, a poor fate of the locals. Bravery shown by the journalist to unearth this as a ranging fury gang ed by The Black Devil is always a threat to press freedom everywhere and anywhere

KABU NARTEY, 19227 said...


The film directed by Philippe Diaz exposes in certain terms the ruthless systemic exploitation under the disguise of globalisation. This Ritzer 2007 calls Grobalisation where there are transnational expansion and a sure effort to superimpose the global market onto the local market.
The characteristics of globalisation namely Outsourcing where there is expropriation of resources, privatizing, bias democratization of tech, posterity for the few and the many phases of poverty, diseases, deaths, etc all come to play in there.

Veronica Logo. BACS 191293 said...

Veronica Logo. BACS 191293
It is amazing how these westerners keep exploiting us and our leaders are not learning anything from it. These documentaries are eye opener for the African continent to have a wake up call and tackle the issues that confront us.
It is evident that without the south, the north can't survive because clearly, we provide them with everything.
The gradual privatization of state owned enterprises is going to make westerners rule Africa again. This is colonialism and nothing else.
globalization doesn't benefit all. It only benefits the masterminders

Akwaku Rejoice Mamle said...

In this modern world, people look at themselves more important than others and that is the problem we are facing now just because they dont have the wealth and are not into politics. Gender inequalities leads to all this problems and we must see each other as one so as to nation develop.

Also basing on End of Poverty, we have to create industries that will help us process our own raw materials. If we depend on them, they will colonize us forever.

Akwaku Rejoice Mamle: BACS 19930

Rita said...

Great and educative. Thank you sir.

Anonymous said...

Globalisation may be for the benifit of all but it's negative effects are more prominent in the under developed area. The end of poverty video changed my assertion to this fact. I stand to disagree that globalisation benefits all. Poverty issues arose upon colonialisation when the colonial masters forced themselves to be sovereign over us. This created an avenue for exploitation of our human and natural resources. They came into our territory and suddenly their word was law and they were lords over us. Its about time meausures are put in place to either ensure this stops or at least reduces.
BACS 19269

Unknown said...

These videos have opened my eyes to see that poverty in Africa is deeper than we think. BACS 19313

Mark said...

Africa has lived the fears of the opponents of globalization.nonetheless, the fate of the global south lies in their own hands, because i still believe globalization can benefit all if we can only step up to the plate...BACS19559.


Educative videos


VERY insightful and educative videos..
BACS 191169

Unknown said...

The end of poverty I realized that in kenya the land owned by the local people were taking away by the white which owned 50% of the land during the colonial rule after independence those lands were given to powerful people in the government this tells us that even we the Africa people we cheat our own people instead of giving the land back to the owner those in power took it which is bad, it bring division and war among the Africa people and doesn't help development to move forward in Africa continent BACS19173

Ibrahim Mubarik said...

This "End of Poverty" documentary is an insightful documentary. I observed that poverty isn't a challenge in Africa alone but across the glob.

Ibrahim Mubarik, BACS191017

Unknown said...

The end of poverty video did not only highlited the ills in those countries mentioned but also provide solutions like, Africa should start seeking justice rather than aid from Europe etc. BACS 19093

BACS19532 said...

The End of Poverty clearly reflects how bad the state of ex colonies are becoming. it has to be that bad to be compared to the days of colonialism. The Europeans themselves admit to their exploitative ways yet we still go to them for "aid". As Africans we need to find ways of utilizing and taking control of our resources and lands as well as the market and if that means growing at our own pace then we will need to redefine development.


BACS19048 said...

From the end of poverty,we realize that our leaders do not know how to negotiate and make the best out of their deals and sometimes it is not entirely their faults. Some are threatened to do the bidding of the West and it drags us further into poverty.


Anonymous said...

Philippe Diaz’s powerful documentary “The End of Poverty” Which presents images of neglect and desperation also shows how people in the South are living and fighting against poverty. This documentary also uses facts and logic to make clear that the North first took the lives of many in the South, then took their resources then used religion and forced economy on them (ie.the people of the South) and to make sure they are forever in debt and do not recover. The question mark in the film seems to suggests that poverty may not end if we don’t seriously confront the structural violence that divides the global community along wealth lines.

SARAH said...

Thank you Sir


Very well said.

Miss Anaadem said...

This is very insightful and educative !!
BACS 19938

oppong Gloria Amponsah said...

This piece has indeed broaden my knowledge n understanding of globalization..

Anonymous said...

This video has been educative

Unknown said...

This video is very helpful in the study of Globalization. And it will go a long way to wise up the current generation

Nash Odoi BACS19244 said...

Very insightful. This course has really enlightened me.

RICHIE said...

The end of poverty video clearly shows how the First World countries exploited the third World countries by taking away their lands and minerals..... BACS19246

RICHIE said...

The end of poverty video clearly shows how the First World countries exploited the third World countries by taking away their lands and minerals....BACS19246

AbiMamle said...

This video simply explains how some countries take advantage of globalisation to disadvantage others, deepening poverty


Nana Yaa said...
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Nana Yaa said...

BACS19562 it's amazing how these westerners keep exploiting us in 'smart' ways. these videos, hopefully, will help us become wiser than the current batch of politicians to make the local stronger to withstand global forces. These videos are very helpful to our course.

Solomon BACS191090 said...

In depth information here

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Globalization has its positive and negative effects and usually one party enjoys privileges over the other.Thank you Sir BACS191138

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