
Monday, 8 April 2019




Anonymous said...

due to the advent of technology, and through the influx of social media, it has given indigenous groups the opportunity to speak. these are mostly done through posting their challenges, difficulties and messages on some social media platforms such as, facebook, twitter, youtube... these social media platforms virtually give people the chance to voice out their messages and this tend to get the attention of (their) larger groups who tend to also propagate their message.

BACS 19168

Anonymous said...

Because of the comings of innovation, and through the inflow of social media presence, it has allowed indigenous individuals the chance to express themselves. These are generally done through the internet, for example, facebook, twitter, youtube. These internet mediums allow individuals to voice out their messages and this will in general get the consideration of the bigger groups who will in general likewise engender their agenda.


Unknown said...

Even though globalization seems to bring inequality to some people, it has through technology also improved lives.
it has enabled the voiceless to be heard and help brought to them. it has brought positiveness to a lot amidst negativity.
Through social media, a single information can go viral in a minute and measures concerning the message is put in place accordingly.
globalization has both good and bad sides



The advent of technology has given small groups who before we're not given the platform as well as the voice to speak on issues concerning and also affecting their communities are able to do so because of social media. A typical example is the passage of the Right to Information Bill which has now been passed into law by parliament just a few weeks ago.This historic moment came into being when the media coalition of RTI mounted pressure on Parliament to pass the Bill into law.


Georgina Afia Kwarteng
BACS 191256


The influence of transitional corporations on the globalization process is pretty much manifested in every aspect of every country's development. Even though these corporations do not wield as much power wielded by nation states, their influence cannot be ignored. The cultural products shared, especially by these corporations, have brought about some kind of sameness around the globe hence the process of homogenization.

Anonymous said...

In recent times, people everywhere are grabbing opportunities to express their views in a multitude of ways to influence policy and decision making processes through the media. identity politics seems to be experiencing a surge, which has led some people to decry this approach to politics, calling it diverse. critics of identity politics claim that it only deepens the divides that exist between different groups in society- black versus white, straight versus gay and so on. In as much as identity groups can provide mutual support and express shared identities among individuals, it can also make people lazy by turning to a shared identity instead of their building their own identity.


bene'sblog said...

The introduction of technology has made the world a small place because people across the global to access information on the internet. This has given opportunity to the less represented people in the society to voice add thier voice to discussions and stand up for thier rights.

Emmanuel Kwesi Gyan said...

You really cannot hate or like globalization outright. Maybe, that's why it's inevitable and irrevissible. Innovations and technology has become a necessary evil aiding the very essence of globalization in shrinking the world, closing distance and linking events as happenings around the world. (Larsson 2001). However, there are many downside these innovations .

Emmanuel Gyan
BACS 19651

Unknown said...

It's very important this subject has gigiv me another perspective to the world at large.
BACS 19768

Unknown said...

Thanks for the slides


Unknown said...

The introduction and emergence of new new technologies and communication has mediated the globe by shrinking time and space.

Unknown said...

BACS 191059

Unknown said...

It has strink time and space

Unknown said...

It has strink time and space Bacs191201

Unknown said...

The introduction and emergence of new technologies and communication has mediated the globe by shrinking time and space

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Reli educative bacs191201

Jemima said...

There's no denying that globalisation has done us both harm and good, but what I doubt is whether the good was actually intended to really be or it's just a consequence of the globalisation project

Unknown said...

The influx Advent of social media which as a result of technological advancement has made it possible for indigenous groups and individuals have the opportunity to voice vioce out their concerns and challenges through these platforms which tend to capture the attention of larger groups and mount pressure on them to react on national or international levels.

BACS 19299

Unknown said...

The influx Advent of social media which as a result of technological advancement has made it possible for indigenous groups and individuals have the opportunity to voice vioce out their concerns and challenges through these platforms which tend to capture the attention of larger groups and mount pressure on them to react on national or international levels.

BACS 19299

Unknown said...

The influx Advent of social media which as a result of technological advancement has made it possible for indigenous groups and individuals have the opportunity to voice vioce out their concerns and challenges through these platforms which tend to capture the attention of larger groups and mount pressure on them to react on national or international levels.

BACS 19299

Unknown said...

The influx Advent of social media which as a result of technological advancement has made it possible for indigenous groups and individuals have the opportunity to voice vioce out their concerns and challenges through these platforms which tend to capture the attention of larger groups and mount pressure on them to react on national or international levels.

BACS 19299

Unknown said...

The influx Advent of social media which as a result of technological advancement has made it possible for indigenous groups and individuals have the opportunity to voice vioce out their concerns and challenges through these platforms which tend to capture the attention of larger groups and mount pressure on them to react on national or international levels.

BACS 19299

KB said...

Technology had really brought about several developments in all aspect of life in this dispensation.

Anokye Peter said...

I think Globalization has indeed help individuals and groups in terms of opinion expressions. With globalization group voices are heard whether on serious or non serious matters.


Lambert Donkor said...

Thought provoking, education and a great insight to the course of study

BACS19257 said...
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BACS19257 said...

indigenes I would say are giving the right to speak in a global environment with the introduction of democracy through globalization.
And as to who listens there are local and international bodies that give ear to their grievances and do well to work for better balance in the society. An example can be sited using the Arab spring and the LGBT community. And with the wide spread of the modern technology and the internet, growth of international organisations and the economic market all have the rights to speak in a global environment .

Bless Attipoe Afeleteh said...

Social Media gives voice and visibility to the voiceless said...

Globalisation has had a large influence on identity politics and the dealings of resistance movements.
For example: Feminism which didn't have so much reach initially, has now gained a lot of attention in discussions of power play, decision making, created awareness and has generally stirred conversations in mainstream places.

Resistant movements have also been able to make some impactful social change, with the help of globalisation. An organisation like Amnesty International is helping in the removal of death sentences by law, and this is such a laudable move.

One notable importance of resistance movements is that it also aids in garnering support for collective action. People are motivated to do things if it is done collectively. Thia is because the process seems easier and the goal become less burdensome as compared to doing it alone. E.g. if GreenEarth (an environmental protection NGO) tasks every citizen to plant a two trees each, it'll look like a big deal and tedious task. But if they set up smaller groups in wvey district, it'll be easier to achieve the goal, because it becomes easier and the communal feeling that comes with it also serves as motivation.

BACS 19059

Jennifer said...

voice and visibility in a way made women all around the globe come out to speak when they feel they have been abused in a way

BACS 19921

Effah Appiah Eric said...

The agrarian institutions of using inorgarnic for crop production at the expense of organic farms will in time displace our local farmers leading to jobless economy and increase poverty in Africa continent a disadvantage of global policy.African food will increase with GMO while most local crop and herb Will get lost and we must brace our farm and lands for local commercial farming with strong policy to protect our food and health against the ills of globalization.



Globalization as course is helpful to students of public relation to know and understand the happenings in the global economy,politics and influence on professional practices of PR.since the world has become a single unite development of countries have become interrelated with dependence on each other for support, trade,and market bringing people together with shared culture.Am proud to be part of the globalization class of excellence .A true citizen of the world, 'KOSMOS POLITE'.


Unknown said...

Social media has help the voice and visibility to be heard

Unknown said...

Voice and visiblity a very educative topic there

Unknown said...

Social media has help the voice and visibility to be heard

Rose said...

Voice and Visibility!!! Make your voice heard no matter what others say or think. The world indeed is a global village. learnt from this truly

Akwaku Rejoice Mamle said...

When there was no Social Media, our voices were not heard but now you can be home and your voice will be heard. But what happened next? How do we use it for our voices to be heard? People just misuse it to say all sought of things so when you are saying something important it is difficult to even believe it.

In Ghana if you belong to a Political party, then your voice would be heard which shouldnt be so

Akwaku Rejoice Mamle: BACS 19930

Rose said...

Voice and Visibility!!! Make your voice heard no matter what others say or think. The world indeed is a global village. learnt from this truly. BACS191032

Damalie Emmanuel Pacome said...

Technology has mediated a lot in every country.Technology has made the study of various aspects of development very possible it has successfully bridged the gap among society and shrinked them into a common component.
BACS 19531

Unknown said...

Very Educative topic
BACS 19755

Bless Attipoe Afeleteh said...

Through social media the minority's voice is heard for change
BACS 19917

Sellas Manna Misenu said...

BACS 19807 - Thanks Sir

SARAH said...

Thank you Sir

Unknown said...

Social media now has become the voice for many who could otherwise not be heard. This is very educative.

BACS 19894

Anonymous said...

The use of social media has made the voice of the voiceless be heard.

Arhin Diana Dede BACS 19665 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Arhin Diana Dede BACS 19665 said...

With little or no capital,Social media is a tool for empowering the voiceless to communicate their ideas and even mobilize for mass action. Very insightful BACS 19665

Unknown said...

Globalization has indeed subverting and challenging government power, even in cases of restrictive and autocratic regimes. Through globalization, we experience transparency in governance.

Unknown said...

Globalization is indeed subverting and challenging government power, even in cases of restrictive and autocratic regimes. Through globalization, we experience transparency in governance.

Antoanette Sedinam Akoto-Tenu said...

Social media has given equal playing field for voices to be heard.The voiceless are empowered to voice out their challenges and contribute their quota to knowledge sharing and decision making.

Rita said...

Thanks for the information. very educative

Anonymous said...

Today marks 18 years since the May 9 Disaster. family members of victims and survivors who had voice and care at the one year anniversary now face the media as with their issues unresolved. Contesting their relevance in the media gives a clear indication of how the movement(if there is) has failed to pressure for their issues to be resolved.

Is it to say that since there hasn't been any international organisations advocacy networks to support the movement, there can't be any change in the violence and attacks that characterize our Ghanaian Football.

if there is no movement; then there is no voice; on identity; hence no change.

Is Ghana ready for revolution, a movement or a change!


RICHIE said...

After watching the end of poverty video it is clear that the assumption of globalization which says growth tie to industrialization is not a path for development... This assumption only developed the urban areas leaving the rural areas undeveloped. This has also created unemployment in Africa since everyone tries to move to the urban areas for employment. BACS19246

Unknown said...

The advent of new technologies and improvements of the social media, has enabled the Resistance movement groups to Empower the voiceless in the society to voice out their concerns through these social media platforms since stories travel or spread fast on social media which would allow other resistance group across the globe with the same concerns come on board to make their voices louder and stronger in order to cause change on ills going on in the society against the minority or these resistance groups



Globalisation has widen my scope of reasoning.



Miss Anaadem said...

This is very educative !
BACS 19938

oppong Gloria Amponsah said...

This has given me several reasons to take globalization extra serious.. Bacs191290

oppong Gloria Amponsah said...

This has given me several reasons to take globalization extra serious.. Bacs191290

Anonymous said...

Globalization has brought more good than bad

Patience BACS 19092 said...

This has really widen my knowledge regarding how Globalization!
Globalization has really enabled indigenous groups as well as individuals to express themselves with the aid of technology.

This is very educative and informing!

AbiMamle said...

Indeed, Globalization through elements like technology and bodies such as the UN make it more easier for voices to be rallied, heard and considered


Anonymous said...

Globalization has created and expanded foreign trade in the world. Things that were only found in developed countries can now be found in other countries across the world. People can now get whatever they want and from any country. Through this developed countries can export their goods to other countries

BACS 19653

Unknown said...

Globalization has helped enhance fast dissemination of information from one part of the world to another.People from the African continent can get news of happenings elsewhere in real time

BACS 19653

Unknown said...

The change in society is as a result of resistance groups efforts to fight for their rights.. Thus Globalization is helping solve issues like gender inequality in the world.

Dzigbordi Gomashie said...


Very educative.
Yes indeginous groups have the right to speak

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